Talk about procrastination...I have waited 'til the last day to finish this project (I work well under pressure) and it's taking me forever to get my "final thoughts" in order. I thought this would be one of the easiest posts to write, but actually it's becoming a little overwhelming to sit back and think of everything we've done and the impacts they have had.
One of my favorite discoveries was Animoto. I have LOTS of friends and family that live far away and I am constantly hearing, "We need new pictures of Madelyn!" I am thinking of buying a full length video (for only 3 dollars!) and emailing it to friends and family, as well as posting it on my blog. The video will be a great way to send people updates! I am also thinking of putting together a video for my mom for Mother's Day with past and present pictures of all three kids. (This will be very meaningful to her since my brother passed away 5 years ago.) I have already shared this site with teachers; encouraging them to us it with their students. What a great, cheap way to share photos from Play Day or classroom parties.
As a lifelong learner, this program has made me not so afraid of the new technology that is happening around me. Before the 23 things, the technology was there but I am now a part of it and it's a great feeling. I love the feeling of collaboration and that's what the 23 things is all about! I also feel like I would be more inclined to take technology PFK classes now. I don't feel so lost. Hopefully I will find something that continues my 2.0 journey.
One of the "unexpected outcomes" that I had for this project was that I had
FUN throughout! In October, I was worried to start because of the unknown and I was nervous about the assignments and whether or not I would be successful in them. This project reinforced to me that I do like to learn and that I think learning is
FUN! I enjoy the "self-discovery" aspect of the project and would definitely participate in another if offered.
Even though the 23 things was a self-paced, self-discovery project, I do wish we would of had a few meetings along the way. Just having time to talk with others for ideas would have been valuable to me. I also feel like if we would have meet a couple times throughout,
everyone would have completed the project.
I have already started sharing these 2.0 tools with teachers and faculty on my campus. The tools have given me something to talk about with teachers I do not know very well, and they have helped me start building relationships. I hope to continue the sharing but I also hope to start seeing them being implemented by teachers.
I am going to try to maintain my blog. As of now, my plan is to continue the blog as a "personal learning journal." Check back and look for notes and thoughts from staff developments, journal articles, and more! I am also thinking about starting a personal blog which would include pictures, family updates, and more! Who knows, maybe one day you'll be subscribing to my blog through RSS feed. :)